Curriculum Vitae

Qi Kehan


Undergraduate, Bachelor of Engineering  2013-2017

Zhejiang University

  • College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science

  • major in Measurement Control Technology and Instruments

  • GPA: 3.08/4.0

Graduate, Master of Engineering   2018-2021

University of Chinese Academy of Science

  • Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology

  • major in Computer Technology

  • Research Interest: Image Segmentation, MR Image reconstruction, Machine Learning


Machine Learning by Stanford University

  • Certificate earned on September 14, 2017


Software Development Engineer   2015

Zhejiang University, Advisor: Jiquan Liu, Associate Prof.

  • Complete the Packman based on openCV. Design and overview the map based on APIs given by openCV. Design and realize the algrithm of the path which leads the ghost. Design the skills and optimize the game.

Software Development Engineer   2015-2016

Zhejiang University, Advisor: Chen’ge Geng, Associate Prof.

  • Complete the program to land in, read file, upload, get character, and print, based on the voice recognition API, SDK and demo given by iFlyTech.

Thesis Project   2016-2017

Zhejiang University, Advisor: Youzhao Wang, Associate Prof.

  • Realize a system which is able to complete the signal acquisition, data processing, data storage and displaying. Select a sensor and design a circuit based on a common low-pass filter to achieve the signal processing. Select mini2440 development board based on ARM-9 as an embedded development platform and design the program to complete data processing and storage based on embedded Linux. Achieve man-machine interface design based on Qt design application.

Student Intern   2018

Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Advisor: Shanshan Wang

  • Help to do research on MR Image segmentation and Machine Learning.


  • Writing     Markdowm, HTML, MS Office
  • Programming  Matlab, C/C++, Linux Shell, Verilog HDL
  • OS        Windows, Ubuntu, Rasbian, Zigbee Protocol Stack
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